Septima Buccina: We need to rescue Benedict and we need to do it now!

From Rome wants to publicly commend Michael, over at Septima Buccina Blog, for his public statements on behalf of Pope Benedict. It is a question of the grave moral duty the whole Church has towards the care of the most honored elderly man in the Church right now, whether you call him Ratzinger, the Pope Emeritus, or Pope Benedict. It touches upon our duties to defend life, to defend the weak and to defend the elderly, as well as our duties to respect seniors, Bishops and Popes. It is clear to the whole world now that the Vatican is an abusive place and that Benedict is being abused.

Here is the opening statement at Septima Buccina Blog, read the rest and my dialogue with Michael in the comments section:

The Real Reason Folks Want You
To Ignore Benedict’s Situation

“The Supreme Shepherd and Vicar of Christ on Earth, who, being a prisoner in the Vatican… in that greatest crisis of the Church, he who is obligated to speak in due time will remain silent.”

Our Lady of Good Success (approved)

Ever wonder why even good Catholics, men and women you respect, sometimes irrationally and hostilely reject any possibility that Benedict’s resignation might have been coerced, and that he may not be a free man? To be sure, there are myriad reasons. The biggest one I see is pride. Actually, being attached to any sin will do it, but pride is the biggest culprit. See 2 Thessolians 2:10-11. I’ve written quite a lot on social media about the blinding spirit of the age, but that’s not the topic of this post. Let’s think about this for a minute.

Consider this scenario: Suppose your elderly father, grandfather, or any dear loved one had hired a live-in nurse or assistant. Suppose further that this beloved family member (we’ll call him “grandpa” for the sake of clarity) was always loving, communicative, and sharp when you would visit, and often called you up in between visits.

Then, one day, that all stops. Suddenly when you call, grandpa no longer answers the phone, Mr. Nurse does. When you ask to speak with grandpa, he says “grandpa is sleeping. How can I help you?” When you visit, grandpa is out of it, and seems more lethargic and slow

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6 thoughts on “Septima Buccina: We need to rescue Benedict and we need to do it now!”

  1. Also, we need victim souls (with spiritual director/religious superior permission) to offer themselves to mitigate Pope Benedict’s sufferings!!

  2. This makes me absolutely sick, my dear Pope Benedict, may God send his angels to protect you from all those who wish you ill, you are always in my prayers.

  3. I don’t know that any of this is true but knowing the history of the Catholic Church it wouldn’t surprise me. Their have been many totally corrupt Popes in the past and certainly thousands of corrupt and power hungry priests, bishops and cardinals. The Catholic Church is an extremely wealthy and powerful organization. Are their and have their been wonderful sainted Popes, cardinals, bishops and priests in that organization? Of course but like any huge bureaucracy, the Church’s overriding priority is always itself.

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