The Church of Rome Now Knows that Benedict is the Pope!

All Leading Members of the Clergy have been informed

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

A Member of the Swiss guard on duty near the Palazzo Sant’Uffizio, who kindly paused his duty for a moment, this morning, so I could snap his foto. May the true Spirit of the Swiss Guard in defending the true Pope and him against all false claimants now take hold of the entire Church of Rome!

As of noon today, November 15, 2019, the Church of Rome has been informed that Pope Benedict XVI is still the Roman Pontiff and Successor of Saint Peter on account of having not resigned according to the norm of Canon 332 §2.

I can personally testify to this, in a court of law, because I have personally shared, in English or Italian, my scholastic question demonstrating conclusively, with 39 arguments, that Pope Benedict never renounced the petrine munus, as required by Canon Law, the Natural Law, the Moral Law, the Evangelical Law and Divine right. I have done this in printed version and or via email from my personal account.

I first personally shared the information with His Holiness in February of this year, in the English version, and again in April. Then in October, I shared it with him again in the Italian version. I have shared it with all the Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, whom He has elevated to that dignity and who reside in Rome. I have shared it with all the men whom either are Cardinals or are thought to be such, who head the Congregations of the Roman Curia. I have shared it with the Cardinal Governor and the Head of the Swiss Guard, with Cardinals Mueller, Brandmueller, Sarah and Burke.

I have shared it with nearly all the clergy of the Roman Church: with the Cardinal Vicar appointed by His Holiness and with the man who exercises that ministry at the request of Bergoglio. I have shared it with all the auxiliary Bishops of Rome, having personally hand-delivered a printed copy to the Curia at the Lateran. I have shared it with all the clergy of the City, who are priests or monsignori, who have an email address which is published (more than 650).

I would share it with all the clergy and deacons who do not have an email address, but that would cost about 1000 euro fore mailing and printing costs, which I do not have (as a friar I have no money) nor is anyone offering at the present.

I NOW ASK THE ENTIRE CHURCH TO PRAY TO THE HOLY SPIRIT so that the clergy of the Church of Rome might recognize their GRAVE AND SOLEMN DUTY to adhere to Christ’s true Vicar and insist that the CANONS OF THE CHURCH be upheld AND THUS depose the USURPER who is raping HOLY MOTHER CHURCH on a daily basis!

For more information about this see

If you support the Church of Rome taking action on this information, please leave your comment below as a testimonial, and indicate the Diocese in which you live, so that your testimony can show that the entire Church of God wills this problem solved!

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

30 thoughts on “The Church of Rome Now Knows that Benedict is the Pope!”

  1. If you are a journalist and want to interview me, just leave a comment with your contact info, and instead of publishing it, I will contact you. Thank you.

  2. Question: Do you think Benedict will agree that Bergoglio is a usurper and force him out? Might Benedict say what he did on his resignation was an oversight and a mistake and simply remedy the faulty paperwork? In other words what does all of this mean now that it didn’t mean two weeks ago. What changed?

    1. Whether Benedict deliberated failed or deliberately intended a renunciation of ministerium NOT munus, it does not matter. Even if he were to fix it now, Bergoglio’s election would be evident to all as invalid and all his acts since then invalid, and all who knew the renunciation was invalid, would be ipso facto excommunicated for having collaborated in the sharade of nominating and consecrating bishops without a pontifical mandate. But what the Pope might do in the future is not mine to tell him, nor do I think it is helpful for his personal safety to speculate upon.

  3. I support this. Diocese of Cincinnati.

    Your diligent work and dogged effort in pursuit of the truth is profoundly inspirational.

    God bless you.

  4. I support the Church of Rome taking action on this information. Diocese of Toronto, Canada.

  5. Pope Benedict XVI has always been the Vicar of Christ since April 2005. Diocese of Cheyenne, Wyoming–USA

  6. I support action being taken. Donna Allen of the diocese of Parramatta.
    (By the way my bishop was installed by FP and is pro-homosexual so I expect persecution).
    I would like Cardinal Pell to know although in gaol awaiting a final appeal. If you email me sample letters, I will post them to the bishops and archbishops of this country and some key priests.

  7. Thank you Br Alexis for your tireless efforts to discover and reveal the truth.
    May God continue to bless and protect you!
    I fully support your initiative.
    Pope Benedict XVI is the one and only Pope since 2005.
    Paul Jackson, St Anne’s Parish, Diocese of Hong Kong.

  8. The Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church remains only Pope Benedict XVI (Archdiocese of Los Angeles, CA, USA).

  9. Pope Benedict XVI has always been the Vicar of Christ since April 2005. Diocese of Almería , Spain.

  10. I’m from Diocese of New York City,
    I believe Pope Benedict XVI is the true Pope. Pope Benedict XVI stated,
    “I am not abandoning The cross, but remaining in a new way at the side of the crucified Lord.”
    The Church belongs to Christ, he can do anything he is the Lord.

  11. Thank you, Br Alexis, for acknowledging Ann Barnhardt’s role in this.
    It was through reading and listening carefully to a very long video on her website around a year ago that I became converted to the Benedict remains Pope position.

  12. I support this action and pray God that He will cure His Church from the filth that has corrupted it. Diocese of Rennes, France.

  13. I fully agree on the position fa. Bugnolo has described in his studies on the matter, and accept that Benedict XVI is our present Pope, and has been so since 11th of February, 2013. Consequently Bergoglio is nothing more, and nothing less than an anti-pope, who has from the start of his election by a wrongful SYNODE in 2013, taken every thinkable occasion to hurt the Catholic Church, in his speaking, and in his actions.

  14. I totally agree that Benedict XVI is Pope and has been Pope since 2005. Thank you for your Faith and Perseverance!
    Mary Tschumper Diocese of Minneapolis, MN USA.

  15. I can not realize any other rational position than Benedict XVI is the one and only pontifex maximus. I support this. Diocese Mainz, Germany.

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