“Two Popes” Movie is more CIA Funded Propaganda against the Church
Morrison: If Pope Francis is not Catholic, we should leave him in office & go into schism
Editor’s Note: I think some persons have spent so much time detailing the heresies of Pope Francis, that they no longer do an examination of conscience themselves, but run like dumb cattle off the nearest cliff. Evidently, Mr. Morrison is one of these, because while he recognizes pervasive heresy in the Church including that of Pope Francis, he despairs of removing him from office and counsels that Catholics should schism themselves from other Catholics as the solution.
I ask any sane reader of the above article, if that sounds like a Catholic solution? The answer is obvious: he is counseling just what a heretical Pope bent on destroying the Church would want him to say.
He is “Francis infected”.
I would encourage readers of FromRome.Info to try to post a comment on that article, with some sort of refreshing comment to snap him back into reality.
The Sutri Initiative remains the only Catholic, courageous, hope-filled, just and sane solution still, after 15 months since it was proposed. Ask your favorite Catholic writer why he or she won’t speak of it!
Catholic World Report pretends there is no massive problem with Heresy in Pope Francis’ Vatican
Editor’s Note: This is what goes for “Catholic News” now-a-days: a pollyanna vision of the Church which does not exist, as if there were only administrative problems facing the next pope. This is like a news reporter discussing book signing deals for an author who has a terminal case of cancer, as if he was going to rise up from bed and get back to work. It’s totally delusional cowardly journalism.
USA: Catholic School Alumni killed in New Orleans Terrorist attack
USA: Catholic Woman wins $12.7 Million judgment in case over DeathVaxx mandates
Editor’s Note: I received and still receive a lot of hate over my defense of common sense, human liberty, and religious liberty during the Scamdemic. And while most of you profited by the articles I published, this woman took the information she found on independent media and used it to defend herself in court. God bless her and keep her! May her example inspire millions!
MILAN: Italian Business Hub bans all outdoor smoking, imposing heavy fines
ITALY to control crime by innovative and novel “Red Zones”
USA: 16 dead on New Year’s Day raise questions about Fort Bragg
HUNGARY: 30% of Catholics abandoned the Faith during 2011-2022
Aaron Webber wants the Vatican Library to sell off all its books?
Editor’s Note: I have heard of many absurd attacks on the Catholic Church, but this is the first to wontonly attempt to inspire envy and greed for the books in the Vatican library, which are arguably not the most valuable Vatican treasures, as can be seen from this detailed article below. — That the MSM is pushing this propaganda and hate-filled attack on the Church, on New Years, is outrageous. It is especially outrageous, when one considers that the author seems to have no academic preparation to even comment on the value of books.
VATICAN: Cardinal Angelo Amato dies at 86, on 2nd Anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI
Elon Musk gave FBI metadata for every Trump supporter on Twitter
USA: Islamic Terrorist drives into New Orleans Crowd, killing 15, injuring 35
Should Brian Burch be the next U. S. Ambassador to the Vatican?
Recent Genetic Studies show that most Jews are not Hebrews
Editor’s Note: In recent months Catholics have been urged to avoid anti-semitism, which in theory should mean that we should not be prejudiced against semitic peoples. But the worse kind of anti-semitism would be to pretend to be a semite so that one could claim the land of true semites and drive them from their homes.
Thus, recent advances in Genetics, which allows the identification of paternal ancestors is very powerful and valuable to determine whether the claim of a self-identified Jew to be an ancestor of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as the Old Covenant requires, are true or not.
And the results show that for most self-identified male Jews, their claim to be Abraham’s sons is false. As the data shows in the above table.
While we cannot be sure what was the Y-Haplogroup of Abraham, whatever it was it must be the same or the progenitor of the same variants. Thus, among any group claiming descent, if we find unrelated or impossible Y-Haplogroups, we can immediately be sure that the men do not all have the same male descent from Abraham. This means that some minority among them are true descendents or some majority of them. But not all of them.
To understand the above table, which is taken from a scientific study by Doran M Bohar, et alia, published at Science Direct, let’s look at the table presented in that paper to see the frequency of 10 different Y-Chromosome Haplogroups.
The mere fact that there is 10, shows that 9 of the groups cannot be from Abraham, and that the self-identified Jews in those categories are in error in claiming descent.
The conclusion of the above data shows that as many as 90% of all men who claim to be Jews, in some hapologroups are not Jews at all. This has massive implications about anti-semitism and the political claims of the State of Israel to a right to return to Palestine.
Damian Thompson claims If the faithful knew the truth, they would demand Pope Francis’ resignation
Editor’s Note: He made this claim in the introduction to his report on the sexual scandals in the Anglican Church of England. Thompson, ironically, is one who knows of the Sutri Initiative but refuses to speak to the Faithful about it. This is what I call Limbo Grifting, from the Latin word, “limbo”, which means the top edge of a cup, and “grifting”, the American English popular term to speak about a problem to gain favs and likes on social media, in particular to gain fame and income, without however any mention of how to solve the problem.
Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, renders homage to Pope Benedict XVI
“Nel secondo anniversario della scomparsa di Papa Benedetto XVI, rendiamo omaggio a un Pontefice che ha lasciato un’impronta profonda non soltanto nella Chiesa, ma anche nella cultura, nella filosofia e nella riflessione pubblica del nostro tempo. Un teologo che è riuscito a parlare alla mente e all’anima delle persone. La sua vita e i suoi insegnamenti ci raccontano come fede e ragione siano dimensioni complementari che si illuminano a vicenda. Ancora oggi il suo messaggio spirituale è vivo e potente e l’eredità del suo Magistero resta fonte di ispirazione. Per la Chiesa e per tutta la società.”
English translation by FromRome.Info:
On the second anniversary of the passing of Pope Benedict XVI, we render homage to a Pontiff who has left a profound impression not only upon the Church, but also upon culture, philosophy and in the public reflection of our time. A theologian who succeeded to speak to the mind and soul of persons. His live and his teachings recount for us how faith and reason are complementary dimensions which illuminate one another. Even today his spiritual message is alive and powerful and the legacy of His Magisterium remains a font of inspiration For the Church and for all of society.
Crisis Magazine: U.S. Congress demands Catholics convert to Zionism
Russian Orthodox Critic of West retired for involvement in Sodomy
Editor’s Note: Those “conservatives” in the West who repeated Russian Federation propaganda during the last 20 years, might be shocked to discover that one of the frequent mouth-pieces for that propaganda was just “retired” for having another man in a personal relationship which is unnatural, to put it mildly.
Bishop Hilarion was for nearly 20 years the go to man, whenever the some “conservative” wanted some criticism of Western decadence and demonstration of Russian moral superiority. No need to say that today’s news is “egg on the face” of the entire Russian Propaganda Ministry effort in that regard.
But for those who read behind the news stories and pay attention, this should come as no surprise, as even Vladimir Putin publicly admitted that sodomy is one of the traditional values of the Russian Culture.
The moral of this story for Catholics should be to remember that virtue is a gift of God and therefore never believe the claim, that a State which violates the laws of Jesus Christ has it.
Over at Canon212.com (which should be called GOP.com), Frank Walker who has never missed an opportunity to republish Bishop Hilarion’s talking points is attempting to spin this news by implying that at least the Russian Orthodox Church is taking action in removing an immoral man from office, whereas the Catholic Church is not, in regarding to pope Francis.
His criticism is partly true but mostly false. Mostly false, because, even Pope Francis has removed clergy for reasons of sexual immorality. In fact, he has in this continued the work begin in earnest by Pope Francis, both when a Cardinal and after as Roman Pontiff.
But his criticism is party true, because the Sutri Initiative is the only canonical way to remove an unworthy man from office of Roman Pontiff; though this cannot be done for reasons of sexual immorality, only because a man was never qualified to hold the office. Yet, a provincial council can be called to rebuke a pope for sexual immorality.
Frank Walker has never called for such action until now, however.
Many others have also believed Russian Propaganda, notably Archbishop Viganò, who even met with Bishop Hilarion some years ago, before publishing his endorsement of the “International Movement of Russophiles”. He has also not yet called for a provincial council nor even repudiated his contacts with Hilarion.