Do not say the Heretical ‘Our Father’

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

It is the height of heresy and pride to presume to correct Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Savior and Redeemer of mankind, and the One Master and Teacher of all.

But this is the madness and insane perfidy of Bergoglio and his luciferian followers: they insist that the Our Father needs to be changed because it is theologically incorrect!

What blasphemy!

What sacrilege!

What diabolic impudence!

These men need to be slapped in the face, like it is said Saint Nicholas of Myra did to Arius the heretic. I say, heretic, because to break from Jesus Christ’s version of the Our Father is to break with Christ and His Church totally. And that is what heresy, means, to divide.

The Pater Noster

When we speak of the prayer, known as the ‘Our Father’, we are speaking of THE prayer taught by Jesus Christ — the only prayer He actually taught us — which is found in the Gospel of Saint Matthew, chapter 6, verses 9 though 13.

The argument these godless deceivers use to support their claims and confuse the faithful — I think you have to be a read idiot of a Christian to think the pope can change the Our Father — is that God does not tempt anyone.

First, I do not understand their objection. Because it is clear that their god is the Devil and their glory is in their shame. And everyone knows the devils tempt every man.

But as to the text of the Our Father:

In English:

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

In Latin:

et ne nos inducas in tentationem sed libera nos a malo.

In the Greek of the Scripture text (sources everywhere), which faithfully and inerrantly reproduces the exact words of Our Lord:


The words of controversy are lead and temptation, or in the Latin: inducas and tentationem, and in the Greek EIΣENEΓKHΣ and ΠEIPAΣMON.

First, I will comment on the Latin. Those who think the Latin word means always and only the kind of occurrence in which a thing or person or demon tempts you to commit a sin, by suggesting it to your, or being the occasion of a vicious habit you have to commit sin, are completely ignorant of the Latin tongue. Because tentatio means a testing or a being tested. The sense of temptation is only a Late classical usage.

The English translation of the Latin, therefore, is simply literal. English, it must be remembered, as we speak it today, is the product of Catholic Monks working for centuries to teach the Normans and Angles, Welsh and Scottish to speak coherently. When a monk wrote temptation he was thinking of the Latin sense of tentatio not temptation as it is used in modern English commonly.

Some idiots who parade as scholars hold that the masses are so ignorant that you better change the words rather than teach them the proper meaning of words. This is complete elitist and intellectualist C**P — excuse my English!

As a Latin translator, I know that all you need to do, to correct problems of mis-comprehension is to put a footnote. A single homily on the topic can serve the same purpose. There is no need to change the translation because it is obvious from Scripture that God puts men to the test, and that since the grace to weather God’s tests is not our by right, but by gift, we ought in humility pray not to be put to the test, rather than in pride and presumption, to pray for the grace to resist all tests, as if we were some sort of supernatural champion who never falls or fails in a test.

As for the Greek, all the Greek Lexicons of the New Testament agree with the Latin Translation: for the first Greek word means to lead into and the second Greek word means a testing or trying.

So if you hear anyone in your Parish start saying the wrong words, correct them. And if the priest insists on the wrong words, SHOUT HIM DOWN and tell him if he will not submit to Jesus Christ as his Master, to GET the hell OUT OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH and become a Lutheran!


CREDITS: The Featured Image is a screen shot of and complies with fair use.  The text of the Our Father is copyrighted by God and cannot be infringed without the penalty of eternal and everlasting torments in Hell.

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10 thoughts on “Do not say the Heretical ‘Our Father’”

  1. It only makes sense to ask God not to lead us into temptation. All temptations to sin are to be rejected as it is by rejecting temptations that we grow spiritually stronger.

  2. If the original meaning of temptation as it is used in the Lord’s Prayer means testing, would it not be a more accurate translation of the prayer to say “let us not be tested’ or even “let us not be tempted” rather than lead us not into temptation. If we make these changes are we not just changing the translation rather than the prayer itself?

    1. The Latin, ne nos inducas in tentationem, translates the Greek, and perhaps could be rendered ‘and put us not to the test’ but the Catholics of all ages before Vatican II were extremely faithful to the text of scripture and did not want to take liberties in a translation, and I agree with them, because we deal not with words written by men alone, but rather coauthored by the Holy Spirit. And who has the gall to tamper with what He has written? Only godless men.

    2. Albert, I think the reason why the Latin and English writers of old kept the verb, Lead, is that it is not only in the Greek, but it reflects God’s shepherding of His people. To say put instead is not as personal, and not as affectionate. God uses lead for this reason. He is in total control, not as an angry father, but as our loving and good Shepherd.

  3. We will all be tested. The Our Father testifies to this and shows us that the humility to avoid temptation (so we don’t learn the hard way) lies in prayer. I think Br B has explained it beautifully. And there are many things about our faith that need explaining/ and better that they are! Hallowed is not hello. All children need that clarified when they are young, don’t they? And once they understand the nuances of Catholic terms and phrases, they are the richer for it.

  4. To me there is no need for even a footnote indicating any alternative to “temptation” as being rather “a test.” While God could never Himself tempt anyone to sin He certainly could and does lead (for their own good), those whose pride has caused them to forsake the Lord in whatever degree, to a place where the Evil One will do the tempting and cause a fall. This would on God’s part always have an ultimate redemptive purpose if not for the fallen then for others who see the fall. Test or temptation, it’s the same intended end, failure. We are in humility, to pray that God would deliver us from the evil that would occasion such action from God.
    We can see perfectly why Bergoglio (Fraudcis) rejects this line in the Lord’s Prayer, that is beyond the occasion of his desire to discredit the Lord Himself, who wants us to believe He was only a man and subject to error such as the “Greek delusion of Hell for the damned,” This further reason being his “knowing” that he is himself THAT VERY ULTIMATE TEMPTATION TO EVIL IN OUR DAY into which the Father is leading all who have in their pride departed from their Catholic faith. Bergoglio recoils at this exposure in this Holy Prayer of Our Lord! We trust many in their fall for Bergoglio’s heresies will repent come back to faith. For those who do not, God will allow an even greater fall to come from these deceptions of this antiChrist and his company, the “STRONG DELUSION” that will lead to a damnation of a perfect justice (2Thess 2:11-12).

  5. In the Modernist version of the Our Father that I grew up with “And forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us” are used instead of “And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us” and “Do not bring us to the test” is used instead of “And lead us not into temptation”.

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